Thursday, March 18, 2010

Blog Inspiration

I spent way too many hours on polyvore last night making this and many more collages.  I really want to create a new banner for my blog, but unfortunately I'm not very skilled when it comes to all this web layout/html stuff.  I read so many other blogs that are so lovely to look at, and i get inspired to change my own. I wish they had a blogging 101 class somewhere because i would take it! Here is my attempt at internet art.

"If you're traveling in the north country fair
Where winds hit heavy on the borderline
Remember me to one who lives there
She once was a true love of mine"


  1. I love this !!!! And I love that song so much.

  2. I like your current banner, it's so pretty and vintagey! If you need help with html, I could help you or just go on google and search things, that's how I did my blog :) Or you can start from scratch with a new template and alter it from there.


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Amanda B.